DAZ 3D sink
· 3D animation · Application · #note/sink ·
Basic config
to export a rigged char with rigged clothes
[x] Merge Followers
[-] Make Followers Static
[x]Allow Degraded Skinning
[x]Allow Degraded Scaling
[-] Base Pose Only
Props checkmark when enabled exports the props (wardrobe, etc) as separate rigged geometry. Other wise it's capture together with the character.
Merge followers
When off, the props will not be rigged.
Merge followers static.
When on the props will not be rigged. Guess it's suitable for simulations.
Allow Degraded Skinning ???
Allow Degraded Scaling.
FBX doesn't support full DAZ scaling, thus requires this on.
Installing downloaded pack
Place zip into DAZ\InstallManager\Downloads
Name manifest file after the zip name and place it to DAZ\InstallManager\ManifestFiles
If there's no xml title in the manifest files add the first line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Run DAZ manager, go to Downloaded and hit Install
JS script
To export materials and textures
Open the tab Script IDE (if I remember well) , copy the script in the window, change line 8 to where you want the texture to be saved, then execute the script and you'll see in the log all copied textures
const aNodes = Scene.getNodeList();
var allImgs = [];
var uniqueImgs;
var imgMgr = App.getImageMgr();
var oSettings = new DzFileIOSettings();
// Path to copy images to
var saveImgPath = 'C:/Users/You/Pictures/Dump';
function processNode(node) {
var obj = node.getObject();
if (obj) {
//print("Node", node.name, "Object", obj.name);
var shape = obj.getCurrentShape();
if (shape) {
var aMaterials = shape.getAllMaterials();
print("Shape ", shape.name);
print("Num materials ", shape.getNumMaterials());
function(mat) {
// Collect images for this 'material'
var aMaps = mat.getAllMaps();
var aMatImgs = aMaps.map(function(m) {return m.getFilename()});
// Add images for this material to all images array
var aTmpImgs = allImgs;
allImgs = aTmpImgs.concat(aMatImgs);
// Strip out dupes
var uniqueImgs = allImgs.filter(function(v, i, self) {return self.indexOf(v) === i;});
// Copy each unique image file to the save path
function(i) {
print("Image filename: ", i);
var img = imgMgr.findImage(i);
var imgFile = new DzFile(i);
rtn = imgFile.copy([saveImgPath, '/', i.split('/').pop()].join(''));
if (rtn) {
print("File copied");
} else {
print("File copy failed!");
Sagan plugin
Alembic exporter
Great 3rd party exporter for Blender