· Programming language · Computer programming · Python Sink ·
Paradigm | Multi-paradigm: object-oriented, procedural (imperative), functional, structured, reflective |
Designed by | Guido van Rossum |
Developer | Python Software Foundation |
First appeared | 20 February 1991; 30 years ago[2] |
Stable release | 3.10.2 14 January 2022; 13 days ago |
Preview release | 3.11.0a4 Edit this on Wikidata / 14 January 2022; 13 days ago |
Typing discipline | Duck, dynamic, strong typing; gradual (since 3.5, but ignored in CPython) |
OS | Windows, Linux/UNIX, macOS and more |
License | Python Software Foundation License |
Filename extensions | .py, .pyi, .pyc, .pyd, .pyo (prior to 3.5), .pyw, .pyz (since 3.5) |
Major implementations | CPython, PyPy, Stackless Python, MicroPython, CircuitPython, IronPython, Jython |
Dialects | Cython, RPython, Starlark |
Influenced by | ABC, Ada, ALGOL 68, APL, C, C++, CLU, Dylan, Haskell, Icon, Java, Lisp, Modula-3, Perl, Standard ML |
Influenced | Apache Groovy, Boo, Cobra, CoffeeScript, D, F#, Genie, Go, JavaScript, Julia, Nim, Ring, Ruby, Swift |
Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its use of significant indentation. Its language constructs as well as its object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.
Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly, procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is often described as a "batteries included" language due to its comprehensive standard library.
Guido van Rossum began working on Python in the late 1980s, as a successor to the ABC programming language, and first released it in 1991 as Python 0.9.0. Python 2.0 was released in 2000 and introduced new features, such as list comprehensions and a cycle-detecting garbage collection system (in addition to reference counting). Python 3.0 was released in 2008 and was a major revision of the language that is not completely backward-compatible. Python 2 was discontinued with version 2.7.18 in 2020.
Python consistently ranks as one of the most popular programming languages.
Mark Lutz - Learning Python 5th edition
[[Mark Lutz - Learning Python, 5th Edition - 2013.pdf]]
Building Skills in Python
Data types
String formatting
this method raise exception if the string does not contain %s
name = "Shaun"
age = 32
string = "Hi, %s!" % name
string = "Hi, %s!" % "Paul"
string = "%s is %d years old" %(name, age)
x = "dance"
print("Nancy can %s and %s too" %(x, "sing"))
print("The value of e is %5.2f" %(24553.718281)) # rounding
Format() method
print("Welcome to {} world!".format("Python"))
print("Let's {0} and {1}".format("dance", "chant"))
print("{} called {} to inform that {} will be absent.".format("Luke", "Diana", "John"))
print("{2} called {0} to inform that {1} will be absent.".format("Luke", "Diana", "John"))
print("We {a}, {b} and {c} with you".format(a = "learn", b = "upskill", c = "grow"))
String literals, f-strings
tutorial = "Python"
subject = "programming"
place = "internet"
print(f"Let's learn {tutorial} {subject} from {place}")
n1 = 60
n2 = 12
print (f"The product of {n1} and {n2} is {n1 * n2}")
num = 55
print(f"Is number {num} even? {True if num%2==0 else False}")
# alignment with spaces/zeros, < left, > right
fnum = 2.1239810
name = 'Anthony Crueger Jr.'
print(f'Name: {name:<20}') #
print(f'{fnum:<015.05f}') # leading and trailing zeros rounding to 3 digits
# allows operations like this to fit both name title and name to 20 chars
print(f'{"Name:" + name:<20}')
# or
print(f'{"Name":>10} {":":>5} {name:>25}') # both aligned with spaces on the left
# formatting numbers
print(f'{fnum:.3f}') # float with 3 positions aligned with leading spaces
print(f'{fnum:.010f}') # float with 3 pos with aligned trailing zeros
print(f'{fnum:10}') # 10 positions aligned with leading spaces
print(f'{fnum:010}') # 10 positions aligned with leading zeros
print(f'{fnum:010.03f}') # 10 positions with leading and trailing zeros rounding to 3 digits
print(f'{fnum:<010.03f}') # 10 positions with leading and trailing zeros aligned to left rounding to 3 digits
print(f'{fnum:>010.03f}') #
String template class
# template symbol $
from string import Template
a1 = "Python"
a2 = "Internet"
n = Template("Hello, welcome to $n1 programming on the $n2")
print(n.substitute(n1 = a1, n2 = a2))
stu_name = "Long Johnson"
s = Template("Hey, $name! How are you?")
print(s.substitute(name = stu_name))
String operations
s = "the quick brown fox /jumps 8 over / a lazy dog"
print(s.split(" ")) # list of words
print(s[-10:]) # last 10 symbols
print(' '.join(s.rsplit(' ', 10)[-10:])) # get string of last 10 words
before, delim, after = s.partition("/")
import re
print(re.split(r'\d', s))
Lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries
Mutable arrays
courses = ["History", "Math", "Physics", "CompSci"]
print(len(courses)) # =4
print(courses[0]) # item by index
print(courses[-1]) # last item
print(courses[4]) # exception
print(courses[0:2]) # items from 0 (including) and 2 (excluding)
print(courses[2:]) # items from 2 (including) to the end
courses.append("Art") # add item to the end
courses.insert(0, "Art") # insert at position 0
courses2 = ["Art", "Education"] # new list
courses.insert(0, courses2) # inserts the list courses2 as a single list element
courses.extend(courses2) # adds the courses2's values to the end
courses.remove("math") # removes Math item
popped = courses.pop() # removes the last value and returns it
popped = courses.pop(0) # removes the first value and returns it
courses.reverse() # reverses the item order
courses.sort() # sorts alphabetically (if strings) or ascending (if numbers)
courses.sort(reverse=True) # sorts in revered order
sorted_courses = sorted(courses) # returnes a sorted version without altering the source list
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
courses.index("compSci") # finds the item's index
"Art" in courses # presence check
for item in courses: # order preserved
for index, course is enumerate(courses):
print(index, course)
for index, course is enumerate(courses, start=1):
print(index, course)
courses = ["History", "Math", "Physics", "CompSci"]
course_str = ';'.join(courses)
new_list = course.split(";")
# swap elements
courses[0], courses[1] = courses[1], courses[0]
# slice object, also works for strings
rev: slice = slice(None, None, -1) # equal to [::-1]
numbers = list(range(1, 11))
text = 'Hello, world!'
Immutable arrays
# Mutable
list1 = ["History", "Math", "Physics", "CompSci"]
list2 = list1
list1[0] = "Art" # will change the first item for BOTH of list
# Immutable
list1 = ("History", "Math", "Physics", "CompSci")
list2 = list1
list1[0] = "Art" # exception, no item assignment/change allowed
much more performant than lists and tubles
cs_courses = {"History", "Math", "Physics", "CompSci"}
print(cs_courses) # returns the items in random order
cs_courses = {"History", "Math", "Physics", "CompSci", "Math"}
print(cs_courses) # returns the set, but Math is present just once
print("Math" in cs_courses) # True
art_courses = {"History", "Math", "Art", "Design"}
print(cs_cources.intersection(art_courses)) # common items
print(cs_cources.difference(art_courses)) # uncommon items
print(cs_cources.union(art_courses)) # items from both sets, no repeats
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
set_b = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
print(set_a | set_b) # Union
print(set_a - set_b) # Subtraction
print(set_a & set_b) # Intersection (shared elements)
print(set_a ^ set_b) # Symmetric difference (unique elements only)
# Empty lists
empty_list = []
empty_list = list()
# Empty tuples
empty_tuple = ()
empty_tuple = tuple()
# Empty sets
empty_set = set() # the only way to create an empty set
empty_dictionary = {} # this creates an empty dictionary instead
index names are immutable
student = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "courses": ["Math", "CompSci"]}
print(student["name"]) # returns "John"
print(student["phone"]) # throws exception
print(student.get("phone")) # returns None
print(student.get("phone", "Not found")) # returns Not found instead
student["phone"] = "555-5555"
student.update({"name": "jane", "age": 26, "phone": "555-5555"}) # a few chanes in one shot
del student["age"]
popped = student.pop("age")
student = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "courses": ["Math", "CompSci"]}
print(student.keys()) # returns dict_keys(["name", "age", "courses"])
print(student.values()) # returns dict_values(["John", 25], ["Math", "ComSci"]])
print(student.items()) # returns dict_tems([("name", "John"), ("age", 25), ...])
for key, value in student.items():
print(key, value)
# sort dictionary
LEGB rule
Local >> Enclosing >> Global >> Built-in
Global and local
x = "global x"
def test():
x = "local x"
print(x) # local x
print(x) # still global x
def test():
global x # x may not be defined earlier, not used often
x = "local x"
print(x) # local x
print(x) # global x overwritten to local
def test(z): # z is in local scope
x = "local x"
print(z) # local x
test("local z")
print(z) # exception! no such global var
import builtins
nested functions
def outer():
x = "outer x"
def inner():
x = "inner x"
print(x) # prints inner x
print(x) # prints outer x
print(x) # exception!
# if
language = "Python"
if language == "Python":
print("Language is Python")
elif language == "java":
print("Language is Java")
elif language == "Pascal":
print("Language is Pascal")
print("No match")
# is
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [1, 2, 3]
print(a == b) # True
print(a is b) # False, not the same object
print(id(b)) # ids are different
b = a
print(a is b) # true, now the same object
Evaluation to True/False
Evaluates to False
- False
- None
- Zero of any numeric type
- Any empty sequence. For example,
'', (), []
- Any empty mapping. For example,
Everything else evaluates toTrue
Inline if
a = 4
b = "yes" if a == 4 else "no"
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for num in nums:
if num == 3:
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3]
for num in nums:
if num == 3:
for i in range(10): # not including 10
for i in range(1, 11): # start, end, step
x = 0
while x < 10:
x += 1
def hello_func(greeting, name = "You"): # You is the default value, keyword argument
return "{}, {}". format(greeting, name)
print(hello_func("Hi", name="Keerah"))
def student_info(*args, **kwargs): # arbitrary number of arguments
student_info("Math", "Art", name="John", age=22)
# returns
# ("Math", "Art")
# {"name": "John", "age": 22}
courses = ["Math", "Art"]
info = {"name": "John", "age": 22}
student_info(courses, info)
# not equal to the previous use, it returns:
# (["Math", "Art"], {"name": "John", "age": 22})
# {}
student_info(*courses, **info)
# now it upacks the arguments and passes them
First-class functions
First-class functions are treated as first-class citizens.
First-class citizen (aka first-class object) is an entity which supports all the operations generally available to other entities. These operations typically include being passed as an argument, returned from a function, and assigned as a variable.
Higher order functions are the functions that can receive functions as arguments and return functions.
def square(x):
return x * x
f = square(5)
print(square) # returns <function ssquare at 0x...>
print(f) # returns 25
f = square # asign function to a variable
print(f) # now returns same <function ssquare at 0x...>
print(f(5)) # returns 25
def square(x):
return x * x
def my_map(func, arg_list)
result = []
for in in arg_list:
return result
squares = my_map(square, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # the square function name without (), cause parenthesis execute the fucntion, but we have to pass it as an argument
def logger(msg):
def log_message():
print("Log:", msg)
return log_message # returning the function, no parenthesis = no execution
log_hi = logger("hi!")
print(log_hi.__name__) # name of the returned function
html tag wrapping example
def html_tag(tag):
def wrap_text(msg):
print("<{0}>{1}<{0}>".format(tag, msg))
return wrap_text
print_h1 = html_tag("h1")
print_h1("Test headline!")
print_p = htma_tag("p")
print_p("Test paragraph")
A closure is a record storing a function together with an environment: a mapping associating each free variable of the function with the value or storage location to which the name was bound when the closure was created.
A closure, unlike a plain function, allows the function to access those captured variables through the closure's reference to them, even when the function is invoked outside their scope.
#import logging
#logging.basicConfig(filename="c:\temp\example.log", level=logging.INFO)
def logger(func):
def log_func(*args):"Running ""{}"" with arguments {}".format(func.__name__, args))
print("fake log:", "Running \"{}\" with arguments {}".format(func.__name__, args))
return log_func
def add(x, y):
return x+y
def sub(x, y):
return x-y
add_logger = logger(add) # this is a closure
sub_logger = logger(sub)
add_logger(3, 3)
sub_logger(10, 5)
def decorator_function(original_function):
def wrapper_function():
return original_function()
return wrapper_function
def display():
print("display function ran")
decorated_display = decorator_function(display)
# or another more common syntax
def display():
print("display function ran")
and more confusion with class decorators and multiple decorators at
Instance variables
contain data that is unique to each instance of the class
# empty class
class Employee:
emp1 = Employee()
emp2 = Employee()
emp1.first = "Corey"
emp1.last = "Schafer" = ""
# the next usage is equal but creates variables at init
class Employee:
# class constructor
# self is an instance of the class
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
# there's no need to give them same names, but it's more consistent
self.first = first
self.last = last = pay = first + "." + last + ""
# additional method to return full name
def fullname(self):
return "{} {}".format(self.first, self.last)
# self variable is passed automatically
# init method is run automatically
emp1 = Employee("Corey", "Schafer", 50000)
# parenthesis used for methods, otherwise it's an attribute
# instance argument self is passed automatically
# in backfround it get trsnsform into the next call
# self instance is explicit in this one
Class variables
are the same in each instance
class Employee:
# Class variable
raise_amount = 1.04
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
# there's no need to give them same names, but it's more consistent
self.first = first
self.last = last = pay = first + "." + last + ""
def fullname(self):
return "{} {}".format(self.first, self.last)
def apply_raise(self): = int( * Employee.raise_amount)
# or instance also can access it = int( * self.raise_amount)
emp1 = Employee("Corey", "Schafer", 50000)
# both class and instance contain this variable
# get the namespace of emp1
# the result is {"first": "Corey", "pay: 50000", "email": "", "last": "Schafer"}
# no raise anount in this list
# this one contains raise_amount
# this creates a new variable for this instance only
# now emp1 namespace contains its own raise_amount
emp1.raise_amount = 1.05
# now the following ones will work differently = int( * Employee.raise_amount) # uses the class attribute = int( * self.raise_amount) # uses raise_amount from the emp1 namespace
class Employee:
numof = 0
def __init__(self, name):
# runs everytime a new employee added
Employee.numof += 1
emp1 = Employee("Corey Schafer")
emp2 = Employee("Test User")
# returns 2
Class methods
class Employee:
numof = 0
raise_amount = 1.04
def __init__(self, name, pay): = pay
Employee.numof += 1 # runs everytime a new employee added
# inside this we work with the class instead of the instance
# and using cls instead of self
@classmethod # class method decorator
def set_raise_amount(cls, amount):
cls.raise_amount = amount
emp1 = Employee("Corey Schafer", 50000)
emp2 = Employee("Test User", 50000)
# no self variable is passed, cause it addresses the class method
# equals to
Employee.raise_amount = 1.05
# calling this method from an instance still changes the class attribute for the class and for the instances
Class methods as alternative constructors
mostly for various methods of creating instances
class Employee:
numof = 0
raise_amount = 1.04
def __init__(self, name, pay): = pay
Employee.numof += 1
def set_raise_amount(cls, amount):
cls.raise_amount = amount
# as alternative constructor
def from_string(cls.employee_str):
name, pay = employee_str.split(";")
return cls(name, pay) # calls the actual constructor and returns a new instance
emp1 = Employee("Corey Schafer", 50000)
emp2 = Employee.from_string("Test User;50000")
Static methods
regular functions, they do not pass class cls
or instance self
class Employee:
numof = 0
raise_amount = 1.04
def __init__(self, name, pay): = pay
Employee.numof += 1
def set_raise_amount(cls, amount):
cls.raise_amount = amount
def from_string(cls.employee_str):
name, pay = employee_str.split(";")
return cls(name, pay)
# static method to establish a workday
def is_workday(day)
if day.weekday() == 5 or day.weekday() == 6:
return False
return True
import datetime
my_date =, 7, 11)
Inherit attributes
class Emloyee:
raise_amt = 1.04
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.first = first
self.last = last = first + "." + last + "" = pay
def fullname(self):
return "{ } { }".format(self.first, self.last)
def apply_raise(self): = int( * self.raise_amt)
# new class inherits the Employee class
class Developer(Employee):
#overriding the value for the subclass
raise_amt = 1.10
dev1 = Employee('Corey', 'Schafer', 50000)
# using the iherited
dev2 = Developer('Test' ,' Employee', 60000)
print(help(Developer)) # to see the method resolution order
dev2.apply_raise() # the amount is from the developer class
Inherit methods
class Emloyee:
raise_amt = 1.04
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.first = first
self.last = last = first + "." + last + "" = pay
def fullname(self):
return "{ } { }".format(self.first, self.last)
def apply_raise(self): = int( * self.raise_amt)
# new class inherits the Employee class
class Developer(Employee):
#overriding the value for the subclass
raise_amt = 1.10
def __init__(self, first, last, pay, prog_lang):
super().__init__(first, last, pay) # letting the parent class handle these
# or
Employee.__init__(self, first, last, pay) # more suitable for multiple inheritance
self.prog_lang = prog_lang
dev1 = Developer('Corey', 'Schafer', 50000, "Python")
dev2 = Developer('Test' ,' Employee', 60000", "Java")
class Emloyee:
raise_amt = 1.04
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.first = first
self.last = last = first + "." + last + "" = pay
def fullname(self):
return "{ } { }".format(self.first, self.last)
def apply_raise(self): = int( * self.raise_amt)
# new class inherits the Employee class
class Developer(Employee):
#overriding the value for the subclass
raise_amt = 1.10
def __init__(self, first, last, pay, prog_lang):
super().__init__(first, last, pay) # letting the parent class handle these
self.prog_lang = prog_lang
class Manager(Employee):
def __init__(self, first, last, pay, employees=None):
super().__init__(first, last, pay)
if employees is None:
self.employees = []
self.employees = employees
def add_emp(self, emp):
if emp is not in self.employees:
def remove_emp(self, emp):
if emp is not in self.employees:
def print_emp(self):
for emp in self.employees:
print("-->", emp.fullname())
dev1 = Developer('Corey', 'Schafer', 50000, "Python")
dev2 = Developer('Test' ,' Employee', 60000", "Java")
mgr1 = Manager("Sue", "Smith", 90000, [dev1])
mgr1.print_emps() # returns --> Corey Schafer
mgr1.print_emps() # returns --> Test Employee
print(isinstance(mgr1, Manager) # True cause mgr1 is an instance of class Manager
print(isinstance(mgr1, Employee) # True cause mgr1 is an instance of class Employee
print(isinstance(mgr1, Developer) # False cause mgr1 is an instance of (sub)class Employee >> Manager not of subclass Developer
print(issubclass(Developer, Employee)) # True
print(issubclass(manager, Developer)) # False