Google search API

· API ·Custom Search JSON API · Programmable search engine

Getting Started With Google Search API For Beginners In Python | Full Tutorial

import cachetools.func, requests, json, re, logging

@cachetools.func.ttl_cache(maxsize=50, ttl=3600)
def google_api_search(search_query: str):
    g_api_key = 'api key from'
    g_search_engine = 'serch engine id from'
    num = 5
    payload = {
        'key': g_api_key,
        'q': search_query,
        'cx': g_search_engine,
        'start': 1,
        'num': num,
        'dateRestrict': 'm1'
    response = requests.get('', params = payload) 
    if response.status_code != 200:
        logging.error(f'Google api search failed with code {response.status_code}')
        return None
        jr = response.json()
        if jr.get('items'):
            return jr['items']
            logging.error(f'Google api search returned no items')
            return None