Phone Sensors API

apps and APIs for phone sensor data streaming

Sensor Server



Andriod App


Phyphox API Wiki
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Interface Communication


Estimate Phone Orientation Using Sensor Fusion
AHRS filter python lib Docs

Sesnsors overall info


The accelerometer is a small device that contains a mass that is suspended by a spring. When the phone is tilted or rotated, the mass moves, and the spring stretches. The amount of stretching of the spring is proportional to the acceleration forces acting on the phone.
Suppose you are holding your phone in your hand and you tilt it to the left. The accelerometer will detect a change in the acceleration forces acting on the phone. The mass will move to the left, stretching the spring. The amount of stretching of the spring will be proportional to the acceleration force acting on the phone on the X-axis.
The same principle applies when the phone is rotated. If you rotate the phone clockwise, the mass will move clockwise, stretching the spring in the Z-axis. The amount of stretching of the spring will be proportional to the acceleration force acting on the phone on the Z-axis.


The gyroscope contains a spinning wheel that is suspended by a gimbal. The gimbal is a set of three rings that allow the spinning wheel to rotate freely in any direction. When the phone is tilted or rotated, the spinning wheel tries to maintain its original direction of rotation. This creates a force on the spinning wheel that is proportional to the rotational forces acting on the phone.
The gyroscope is also sensitive to changes in the phone’s orientation. When the phone is rotated, the spinning wheel will start to rotate in the opposite direction. This is because the spinning wheel is trying to maintain its original direction of rotation. The amount of rotation of the spinning wheel is proportional to the change in the phone’s orientation.
The gyroscope is a very sensitive sensor and can detect very small changes in the phone’s orientation. This makes it ideal for applications that require precise measurements of orientation, such as virtual reality and augmented reality. Although it can be affected by other forces, such as gravity and acceleration and it can drift over time, which means that it will gradually lose accuracy. It can be affected by magnetic fields.


The magnetometer contains a magnet that is surrounded by a coil of wire. The magnet is free to rotate in any direction. When the phone is placed in a magnetic field, the magnet aligns itself with the field. This movement of the magnet generates an electrical signal in the coil of wire.
The magnetometer is sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetic field is not perfectly uniform, so the magnetometer will measure a slightly different value of the magnetic field depending on the phone’s orientation. The phone’s operating system can use this information to determine the phone’s orientation relative to the Earth’s magnetic field.
The magnetometer is also sensitive to other magnetic fields, such as those produced by nearby magnets or electrical devices. This can cause the magnetometer to give inaccurate readings.